Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas-- the Radio Stations
Sounds like the new GTA is going to have a pretty cool selection of radio stationsto choose from, after all. And I was thinking it was all going to end up being west coast gangsta rap....
Sounds like the new GTA is going to have a pretty cool selection of radio stationsto choose from, after all. And I was thinking it was all going to end up being west coast gangsta rap....
So says Bill O'Reilly.
I don't know what's worse--- sitting through Fox's 2003 reality program "Married By America" (which I watched religiously), or the fact that Fox is now being
In case anyone cares (and you should!), Michael Badnarik and David Cobb, the respective Libertarian and Green Party presidential nominees, were arrested in St. Louis on Friday as they tried to cross the police line protecting the presidential debate. Ralph Nader, I'm not sure where he was; he was probably sitting at home in his fruit o' the looms in front of the TV with a plate of Quorn nuggets, grumbling swear words or something.
Note to Tim Michels: You want to know the reason Russ Feingold has been able to raise 8 million dollars in this election cycle? Because most of Wisconsin is so FLIPPIN' SCARED that you might actually win the election. Especially considering that Feingold has no multi-million dollar "family business" to fall back onto when he needs to make another campaign ad or print up a batch of bumper stickers-- it's the ordinary working people of Wisconsin who are paying for his campaign in checks of $25 or $100 a pop. And that's the way it should be. Sometimes you just can't buy your way into office--sorry.
Aw damn. Egg Harbor, Wisconsin (a pretty little town in the Door County peninsula) was all set to reenact the legendary "egg fight" that occured in the adjoining harbor that spawned the town's name, when some ol' fuddy duddies got all concerned about possible environmental implications. Couldn't they just put down some plastic sheets or something? Or like stage the fight on a backdrop of fake water? There's got to be a way to work real eggs into this thing. Otherwise, are they going to change their name to Plastic Egg Harbor?