Wednesday, October 13, 2004

"Married By America" Draws Ire of Prudish FCC

I don't know what's worse--- sitting through Fox's 2003 reality program "Married By America" (which I watched religiously), or the fact that Fox is now being
retroactively fined by the FCC for airing it. The show involved singles who were so desperate to find true love that they left their fate in the hands of Fox viewers, who would then call in and vote on a choice of a mate for them. The potential spousal pool started off on the large side; a contestant's friends and family were then asked to whittle down the group to the 2 most suitable mates, and then we voted. I vividly remember trying to vote for the person I thought would be the WORST match of the two for the person--and I kind of figured Fox HAD to know that its viewership would do that. After all, it's FOX! So when the resulting episodes detailing the developing relationships of the newly engaged couples turned out of be duller than anything imaginable I was not pleased. Where was the lurid sexuality, the tumultuous fights, and all the other fun stuff? It wasn't on Married By America, but not the FCC is saying it was. The episode in question, I guess, is one in which the about-to-be-married folks were treated to bachelor/bachelorette parties, and things got a little "steamy". There was some whipped cream licking, a guy in his underpants, and a gal doing a lap dance. Nothing very exciting in the least; it was about the most cliched representation of a bachelor/bachelorette shindig that I could think of. And now they're getting FINED for it?! There are far racier scenes on some of those crime/cop melodramas out there. This just bothers me, as this has the potential to create something of a slippery slope effect with other reality-based TV shows. If the FCC is going to just randomly enforce these new "decency" standards, the resulting outcome could be that we only end up being able to see the types of shows that people associated with that office find morally O.K--and that is not O.K by me, sorry.
And I'm getting a little tired of the argument that these fines are necessary to "protect the children". That is the parents job, not the mass media. It's not like these kids are not going to ultimately end up learning about sexy matters-- they're probably going to end up like Dan and I-- sneaking off to check out soft-core porn on Cinemax when the rest of the family is sound asleep. It happens.
If the show had been called like, "Banged by America", then maybe I'd agree that they should maybe move it to cable--but come on. Are they going to fine "Are You Hot" next? What about the Bachelor? Just last week, manly-looking Krysta hopped into the Bachelor pool stark nekkid and said how much she wanted to have sex with Byron. Of course, her privates were blurred, but we all knew she was without clothes. Bare asses are on primetime dramas, too. Where will the madness end?

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