Saturday, April 15, 2006

Stating the Obvious

I realize that the only proper response to the statement I'm about to make is a supersonic "DUUUUH!!!"; I furthermore recognize that the content of my message is about as controversial and original as, oh, say, "the sky is blue" and "the grass is green", but: Zacarias Moussaoui is a fucking motherfucking asshole.

"Reasserting his role in Sept. 11, al-Qaida conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui told jurors Thursday he has 'no regret, no remorse,' was disgusted by the heart-rending testimony of victims and relatives and only wished they had suffered more.

Seriously, is someone making this up? I'm can't believe how melodramatically evil this guy is. Does he twist his moustache when he's on the witness stand? Does he rub the palms of his hands together and whisper "Exxxxxxcellent...!" to himself?

"Among his most startling statements, Moussaoui said Army Lt. Col. John Thurman's harrowing account of escaping the burning Pentagon left him with 'regret that he didn't die.'

"He mocked a Navy officer who wept as she described the death of two subordinates in the attack on the Pentagon.

"'I think it was disgusting for a military person' to cry, Moussaoui said of Lt. Nancy McKeown. 'She is military. She should expect people at war with her to want to kill her.'

"Asked if he was happy to hear her sobbing, he said, 'Make my day.'

Honestly now, I know you're trying to play up the whole bizarre-religious-fanatic angle, but don't you think you're laying it on kind of thick?

"He noted many relatives of victims wept on the witness stand, then walked past him in the courtroom and looked his way without crying. 'I find it disgusting that people come here to share their grief over the death of some other person,' he said.

"'I'm glad there was pain, and I wish there will be more pain,' Moussaoui said. 'The children in Palestine and in Chechnya will have pain. I want you to share their pain.'

"So, Spencer asked: 'You have no regret, no remorse?'

"'No regret, no remorse,' Moussaoui responded.

"When he left court after the judge and jury, he yelled: 'God curse America. We will win. It's just a question of time.'

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