I Feel the Need...the Need...for SCREED!
Although I think that 70% of his politics are pure nonsense, I really enjoy reading James Lileks's Screedblog. I was skeptical at first when he spun it off from the regular ol' Daily Bleat, but now I think the whole scheme works great: it frees him up to go on about the dog and the back yard and the White Star Tuna ad from a 1932 issue of Look that he's obsessing over in the Bleat; later, after the kid's gone to bed, he can get all rudo. Its fun to read the distilled nastiness all there in one place, uncut by this or that random tale of domestic bliss.
So anyway, I suppose I ought ot make a note of it when I see something on there that I find both funny and right-on. So check it out. The bit about "le panique attaq" cracked me up.
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