Monday, August 08, 2005

The Boy Looked at Julie

Hey! Look! It's Julie Burchill!

The whole reason I even started reading the Guardian online was because Julie Burchill wrote a weekly column. For awhile after she left for the Times, I mysteriously wasn't able to access her columns (even with the help of the indispensible BugMeNot). But now, for some reason, they're up! For those of you who just can't get enough of the author of the best book on punk rock ever written (well, 50% of the authors of the b.b.o.p.r.e.w.), check these out:

Yep, the Hijab Does a Wonderful Job Protecting Women

A Truckload of Bitchery is the Healthy Option

Actors? Give Me the Drama of BB Any Day

Why Should We Tolerate These Islamofascists Who Hate Us All?

Enjoy the truckload of bitchery.

UPDATE: Well, look what four seconds worth of Googling will get you: here's an even larger selection of her Times columns, courtesy of the Unofficial Julie Burchill Page of Ambition and Modernity. Look for said page -which contains plenty of extra Julie from all previous and current eras - over on the blogroll.

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