Karen Finley, Tom Cruise and Proofreading
I haven't read, The Huffington Post, too often, and I, frankly, don't see, what the big deal is. But if this post, by Karen Finley, is any indication, they are in serious need, of a copyeditor:
"For God’s Sake, or should I say, for Ron Hubbard’s sake? I don’t see what all the fuss is, with Tom Cruise and Scientology. Tom Cruise, is no different than our President, or many of our world citizens, in expressing church rhetoric, finding religion and expressing their faith on company time. Tom, whose own Father, abandoned his family, as a child, displays symptoms of extreme Father Hunger. In interviews, Mr. Cruise is passionate in expressing a distant void with his Father. God, religion becomes the replacement for Daddy Love. Ron Hubbard, becomes the perfect, Science-Fiction, Pagan Idol to transfer the need of devoted son."
The actual content of this is pretty funny as well. Check out her thoughts on the Tom Cruise/Brooke Shields flap (Flap? Apparently Maverick publicly criticized La Shields for turning to psychotherapy and Prozac during a recent bout with post-partum depression. I'd never heard of this until I read about it in Finley's post, so I dunno if that counts as a 'flap' or not. Anyway...):
"Brooke Shields, is a fascinating choice for his public criticism. It is revealing, that the most powerful actor in Hollywood needs to criticize a woman, a mother suffering from depression to rationalize his vulnerable, belief system. Or, that he feels his character disorder is threatened by Ms. Shields public admission.
Sounds like misogyny to me.
"We will never know if Tom would get post- partum depression if he could have a baby. Tom adopted his children with ex-wife, Nicole Kidman. I am sure under Cruise Control Nicole didn’t get depressed. And in real life, men can’t have babies."
Finley is a performance artist; maybe this is her latest piece...?
I, think you may, be onto something. ,
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