So Does That Mean Blair = Dr. Doom, Bush = Galactus, Howard = I dunno, the Mole Man...?
Grouchy Muslim terrorists in Great Britain are motivated solely by their opposition to the Iraq war, right?* Just ask the "Saviour Sect:"
"The reporter became a member of the sect three weeks before the July 7 bombings. From the start he was taught that it was his duty to destroy the kuffar. Moderate Muslims who did not believe in the overthrow of the British government and its replacement by an Islamic state were held in equal disdain.
"Within days of joining, he witnessed seven Saviour Sect members beating up a member of the moderate Young Muslim Organisation in an East End street because they believed he had insulted their version of Islam.
"Speaking to a group of teenagers and families, he [Omar Brooks, whoever that is, although I'd like to point out that you don't often run into a guy whose first name is 'Omar' and whose last name is 'Brooks.' Wasn't it George Carlin who observed that 'you never meet a lot of Chinese guys named Rusty?' I wonder if Mr. Brooks - Omar - ever heard that one. Anyway...] declared it was imperative for Muslims to 'instil terror into the hearts of the kuffar' and added: 'I am a terrorist. As a Muslim of course I am a terrorist.'
"The 30-year-old, who claims to have had military training in Pakistan, said he did not want to go to Allah while sleeping in his bed 'like an old woman'. Instead: 'I want to be blown into pieces with my hands in one place and my feet in another.'"
Well, good luck with that. I for one sincerly hope that Mr. Brooks - y'know, Omar - gets his wish, although I'd prefer something a little more exciting than a boring ol' suicide attack. I'm thinking something along the lines of, say, being shot nine times by members of the London PD, being shot several more times by the US Marines (wouldn't you better be able to serve the ummah in Iraq?) or - dare we dream? - spontaneous human combustion. All the same, Brooks - I mean Omar - ought not to knock the old lady lifestyle until he tries it. I've been behaving in a manner befitting an old woman for years now - adding cats to my household, not leaving my apartment, peeking through the blinds at all those damn kids in the neighborhood - and I personally can't recommend it highly enough.
I haven't even bothered to reproduce the most offensive part of this story. You really wanna see it? You sure? Alright, you asked for it:
"In the immediate aftermath [of the July 7 London attacks] the sect’s leader, Omar Bakri Mohammed, said: 'For the past 48 hours I’m very happy.' Two weeks later he referred to the bombers as the 'fantastic four'.
Did you catch it? This douchebag favorably compared a bunch of homicidal, superstitious dipshits to Mr. Fantastic, Human Torch, Invisible Woman and the Thing!!! What I wanna know is: where the fuck are Avi Arad and Stan "Thee Man" Lee and, more importanly, their lawyers? I think there's been a serious breach of intellectual property rights here, and someone deserves to get sued over this.
I think Bakri knows that he's in some hot water with this one.
"Yesterday Bakri said he had no connections to a group in east London but said that he did attend prayers and preach to up to 15 people. He denied using the words 'fantastic four'."
[via Hak Mao]
*This is not to insinuate that every British Muslim (or non-British Muslim, or non-British non-Muslim, etc.) opposed to the war is a potential homicidal maniac. Blah blah blah, you know what I mean...
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