Saturday, May 21, 2005

The Booze-Soaked Trotskyite vs. Wide Boy

George Galloway's recent appearance in D.C. has, as far as I can see, had two consequences of interest.

1) It's given soft-headed so-called "progressives" in the US yet another opportuity to publicly embarrass themselves. Dr. Frank, as usual, has the scoop on this.

2) It's given Christopher Hitchens someone to kick around for a few weeks. Hitchens apparently paid a visit to Galloway while the latter was on his way to testify. The Scotsman records the friendly meeting:

"After a breakfast cigar, the MP approached the senate building today surrounded by a throng of cameras, vowing to use the opportunity to show the world who were the real villains of the piece.

'I intend to be the accuser rather than the accused, and I will putting them on trial,' he declared.

A brief ruckus with British journalist and sworn enemy Christopher Hitchens got proceedings off to a swinging start.

'Booze soaked Trotskyites,' Mr Galloway muttered as he took his seat, arms crossed. 'Wide boy,' Hitchens shot back.

And we're off! This and this seem like warm-up rounds; this one is the real main event.

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