Return of the WIMPYS
Hi, all. Who here likes the professional wrestling?
Here's a thread on the almighty Death Valley Driver message board lamenting the lack of squash matches in wrestling today. Although squash matches don't happen very often anymore, they're still an active part of the non-fan's cliched notion of what wrestling is like. A squash match is what you get when you pit a "name" wrestler (an up-and-coming star, a fan favorite gone bad, an old veteren, even a "marquee" guy who would normally be in the main event) against and anonymous curtain-jerker (some guy you've never seen and never will again). These usually lasted about five or ten minutes and more or less consisted of the "name" guy demolishing the other guy - hip, with-it online 'rasslin fans typically call these guys "jobbers", but one of the guys on the Playaz' board refers to 'em as "wimpys", which I like much better.
Anyway, for a variety of reasons, these kind of matches don't happen as often as they used to; now its usually one "superstar vs. superstar" match after another. Sounds like a vast improvement, right? Not necessarily. Like they say, read the whole thing.
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